Data Analysis Services

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ADAR1 prevents autoinflammation by suppressing spontaneous ZBP1 activation


The RNA-editing enzyme adenosine deaminase acting on RNA 1 (ADAR1) limits the accumulation of endogenous immunostimulatory double-stranded RNA (dsRNA)1. In humans, reduced ADAR1 activity causes the severe inflammatory disease Aicardi-Goutières syndrome (AGS)2. In mice, complete loss of ADAR1 activity is embryonically lethal3-6, and mutations similar to those found in patients with AGS cause autoinflammation7-12. Mechanistically, adenosine-to-inosine (A-to-I) base modification of endogenous dsRNA by ADAR1 prevents chronic overactivation of the dsRNA sensors MDA5 and PKR3,7-10,13,14. Here we show that ADAR1 also inhibits the spontaneous activation of the left-handed Z-nucleic acid sensor ZBP1. Activation of ZBP1 elicits caspase-8-dependent apoptosis and MLKL-mediated necroptosis of ADAR1-deficient cells. ZBP1 contributes to the embryonic lethality of Adar-knockout mice, and it drives early mortality and intestinal cell death in mice deficient in the expression of both ADAR and MAVS. The Z-nucleic-acid-binding Zα domain of ADAR1 is necessary to prevent ZBP1-mediated intestinal cell death and skin inflammation. The Zα domain of ADAR1 promotes A-to-I editing of endogenous Alu elements to prevent dsRNA formation through the pairing of inverted Alu repeats, which can otherwise induce ZBP1 activation. This shows that recognition of Alu duplex RNA by ZBP1 may contribute to the pathological features of AGS that result from the loss of ADAR1 function.



ADAR1 interaction with Z-RNA promotes editing of endogenous double-stranded RNA and prevents MDA5-dependent immune activation


Loss of function of adenosine deaminase acting on double-stranded RNA (dsRNA)-1 (ADAR1) causes the severe autoinflammatory disease Aicardi-Goutières syndrome (AGS). ADAR1 converts adenosines into inosines within dsRNA. This process called A-to-I editing masks self-dsRNA from detection by the antiviral dsRNA sensor MDA5. ADAR1 binds to dsRNA in both the canonical A-form and the poorly defined Z conformation (Z-RNA). Mutations in the Z-RNA-binding Zα domain of ADAR1 are common in patients with AGS. How loss of ADAR1/Z-RNA interaction contributes to disease development is unknown. We demonstrate that abrogated binding of ADAR1 to Z-RNA leads to reduced A-to-I editing of dsRNA structures formed by base pairing of inversely oriented short interspersed nuclear elements. Preventing ADAR1 binding to Z-RNA triggers an MDA5/MAVS-mediated type I interferon response and leads to the development of lethal autoinflammation in mice. This shows that the interaction between ADAR1 and Z-RNA restricts sensing of self-dsRNA and prevents AGS development.


A workflow for streamlined acquisition and correlation of serial regions of interest in array tomography


We use a targeted approach that allows imaging specific tissue features, like organelles, cell processes, and nuclei at different scales to enable fast, directly correlated in situ AT using an integrated light and electron microscope (iLEM-AT). Our workflow is based on the detection of section boundaries on an initial transmitted light acquisition that serves as a reference space to compensate for changes in shape between sections, and we apply a stepwise refinement of localizations as the magnification increases from LM to EM. With minimal user interaction, this enables autonomous and speedy acquisition of regions containing cells and cellular organelles of interest correlated across different magnifications for LM and EM modalities, providing a more efficient way to obtain 3D images. We provide a proof of concept of our approach and the developed software tools using both Golgi neuronal impregnation staining and fluorescently labeled protein condensates in cells.


Navigating the Global Protein-Protein Interaction Landscape Using iRefWeb


iRefWeb is a resource that provides web interface to a large collection of protein-protein interactions aggregated from major primary databases. The underlying data-consolidation process, called iRefIndex, implements a rigorous methodology of identifying redundant protein sequences and integrating disparate data records that reference the same peptide sequences, despite many potential differences in data identifiers across various source databases. iRefWeb offers a unified user interface to all interaction records and associated information collected by iRefIndex, in addition to a number of data filters and visual features that present the supporting evidence. Users of iRefWeb can explore the consolidated landscape of protein-protein interactions, establish the provenance and reliability of each data record, and compare annotations performed by different data curator teams. The iRefWeb portal is freely available at


Distance-Based Metrics for Comparing Conformational Ensembles of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins


Intrinsically disordered proteins are proteins whose native functional states represent ensembles of highly diverse conformations. Such ensembles are a challenge for quantitative structure comparisons because their conformational diversity precludes optimal superimposition of the atomic coordinates necessary for deriving common similarity measures such as the root mean-square deviation of these coordinates. Here, we introduce superimposition-free metrics that are based on computing matrices of the Cα-Cα distance distributions within ensembles and comparing these matrices between ensembles. Differences between two matrices yield information on the similarity between specific regions of the polypeptide, whereas the global structural similarity is captured by the root mean-square difference between the medians of the Cα-Cα distance distributions of two ensembles. Together, our metrics enable rigorous investigations of structure-function relationships in conformational ensembles of intrinsically disordered proteins derived using experimental restraints or by molecular simulations and for proteins containing both structured and disordered regions.


Capsid-Labelled HIV To Investigate the Role of Capsid during Nuclear Import and Integration


The HIV-1 capsid protein performs multiple roles in virus replication both during assembly and particle release and during virus trafficking into the nucleus. In order to decipher the roles of capsid protein during early replication, a reliable method to follow its intracellular distribution is required. To complement existing approaches to track HIV-1 capsid during early infection, we developed an HIV-1 imaging strategy, relying on viruses incorporating enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP)-tagged capsid (CA-eGFP) protein and mCherry-tagged integrase (IN-mCherry). Wild-type infectivity and sensitivity to inhibition by PF74 point to the functionality of CA-eGFP-containing complexes. Low numbers of CA-eGFP molecules were located inside the viral core and imported into the nucleus without significant loss in intensity. Less than 5% of particles carrying both CA-eGFP and IN-mCherry retained both labelled proteins after nuclear entry, implying a major uncoating event at the nuclear envelope dissociating IN and CA. Still, 20% of all CA-eGFP-containing complexes were detected in the nucleus. Unlike for IN-mCherry complexes, addition of the integrase inhibitor raltegravir had no effect on CA-eGFP-containing complexes, suggesting that these may be not (yet) competent for integration. Our imaging strategy offers alternative visualization of viral capsid trafficking and helps clarify its potential role during integration.